Habib Qatar International Exchange Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd shall strive to promote its reputation and goodwill in every place and country where it proposes to operate, by strictly following good governance, faithful adherence to the laws of the land, including financial authorities which monitor monetary transactions. Along with that, our company is also confident in submitting to the requirements and conditions of our diverse remittance partners worldwide. It is then both imperative and essential that we review our preparedness in facing issues of money laundering, understand its definition and objectives, recognize its effects on society and be well aware of the practical steps to continually filter any financial transactions arising out of, or giving way to criminal endeavors.
It has been our company’s standards to update its officers and staff, with training and new circulars indicating names of individuals or entities with links to money laundering activities, followed by regular reviews with branch managers and frequent meeting with our regulatory bodies. In addition, a dedicated Compliance Department is also playing a vital role to provide support and ongoing guidance regarding Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
We trust risk-based policies, procedures, and processes will help us prevent our business organization from being victimized by money launderers and make us alert in complying with financial laws and regulations. Also, our dutiful compliance to such laws will eventually assist enforcement agencies in their all out effort to track down and seize terrorists and money launderers.
Useful Links
Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010
Download Anti-Money Laundering Act